
laravel package : artisan commands for create Repository and provider

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Anar is artisan command to create repository for your amazing laravel app easy peasy . Take look at contributing.md to see a to do list.

if you don't know about Repository pattern read this link


Via Composer

$ composer require amin3520/anar

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ php artisan make:repository name  --m=model_name --imp 
  #sample php artisan make:repository UserRepository --m=User --imp 
  #sample2 php artisan make:repository UserRepository --m='\App\User' --imp 

name is your name Repository ,

--moption is model name that use in repo and it is necessary input , now u can also pass your address model in string like '\App\User'

--imp create interface for your repo

first run of command create base files and directory ,you can see them below

|       |--RepositoryServiceProvider.php
|       |--BaseRepository.php
|       |--BaseRepositoryImp.php
|       |//and other your repoitorys


if you want inject your repositories in some constructor like controllers ,add repo name in $names in Providers/RepositoryServiceProvider.php and add \App\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider::class in providers in config\app.php

     * Register RepositoryServiceProvider  .
     * provide your repository and inject it any where below your app directoy, like in to your controller's app if you want to use it
     * @return void
    public function register()
         $names = [
               //add Begin your repository name here   like -> 'UserRepository',

            foreach ($names as $name) {



class Controller extends BaseController
    use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
    private $userRepo;

     * Controller constructor.
     *inject repo by service provider
    public function __construct(UserRepositoryImp $repositoryImp)
        //now u can use it

    public function updateName(Request $request)


Base repository has some useful method you can use theme

interface BaseRepositoryImp
    public function create(array $attributes);
    public function update(array $attributes, int $id);
    public function all($columns = array('*'), string $orderBy = 'id', string $sortBy = 'desc');
    public function find(int $id);
    public function findOneOrFail(int $id);
    public function findBy(array $data);
    public function findOneBy(array $data);
    public function findOneByOrFail(array $data);
    public function paginateArrayResults(array $data, int $perPage = 50);
    public function delete(int $id);



Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.

Task list:

  • add Test
  • add dynamic directory option
  • add dynamically pickUp address's model
  • add cache option


MIT License. Please see the license file for more information.