
Implement the ability to categorize for custom models

Primary LanguagePHP

Categorizable Package

This Package enables you to Categorize your Eloquent Models. just use the trait in the model and you're good to go.


  • PHP 7.2+
  • Laravel 7+


composer require bvkdev/categorizable

Publish and Run the migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BvkDev\Categorizable\CategorizableServiceProvider"

php artisan migrate

Laravel Categorizable package will be auto-discovered by Laravel. and if not: register the package in config/app.php providers array manually.

'providers' => [

Setup models - just use the Trait in the Model.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BvkDev\Categorizable\Categorizable;

class Product extends Model
	use Categorizable;


first of all we need to create some Category to work with. Laravel Categorizable package relies on another package called laravel-nestedset that is responsible for creating, updating, removing and retrieving single or nested categories. Here i demonstrate how to create categories and assign one as the other's child.. but you can always refer to package's repository for full documentation. https://github.com/lazychaser/laravel-nestedset

use App\Product;
use BvkDev\Categorizable\Category;

// first we create a bunch of categories

// create "BackEnd" category
	'name' => 'BackEnd'

// create "PHP" category
	'name' => 'PHP'

// create "FrontEnd" category
	'name' => 'FrontEnd'

// create "Test" Category (alternative way)
$test = new Category();
$test->name = 'Test';

// assign "PHP" as a child of "BackEnd" category
$parent = Category::findByName('BackEnd');
$child = Category::findByName('PHP');

// delete "Test" Category
$testObj = Category::findByName('Test');

//  assuming that we have these variables
$product = Product::first();

// 3 different ways of getting a category's instance
$backendCategory = Category::findById(1);	// 'BackEnd'
$phpCategory = Category::findByName('PHP');	// 'PHP'
$frontendCategory = Category::find(3);		// 'FrontEnd'

Attach the Product to category


Detach the Product from a category


Attach the Product to list of categories


Detach the Product from all categories


Sync the categories attached to a Product


    // removes attached categories & adds the given categories

Check if Product is attached to categories (boolean)

    // single use case

    // multiple use case

    // return boolean

List of categories attached to the Product (array)


    // return array [id => name]

List of categories IDs attached to the Product (array)


    // return array

Get all Products attached to given category (collection)

    $categoryProducts = Category::find(1)

    // return collection


categories() Relationship

    $productWithCategories = Product::with('categories')

     // you have access to categories() relationship in case you need eager loading

parent Relationship

    $category = Product::first()->categories()->first();
    // return the category's parent if available

children Relationship

    $category = Product::first()->categories()->first();
    // return the category's children if any

ancestors Relationship

    $category = Product::first()->categories()->first();
    // return the category's ancestors if any

descendants Relationship

    $category = Product::first()->categories()->first();
    // return the category's descendants if any
