Local Library System This System is created using Nodejs and Express to perform the server side activities and Vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS to design front-end. The Template of the Webpages is EJS.
Installing dependencies
Clone the repository on Your system cd to the directory and run
npm install
This app runs on
But you can change in the app.js file.
Configuring Mysql;
If you want to use the localhost
- In connection.js change the host to localhost and password to your mysql password
- And follow the below steps to createa database
Installing the database;
You will find a .sql file in the repo
Follow these Steps
- Open your mysql client
- create a database name Library
- Use Library
- The use this command -> source <path of the .sql file> ;
and this will configure you to use the database
Test Logins:
For admin previlages login as: username - admin password - supersecret
For common user: username - b19108 password - rohanraj@123