Beingwind-w's Stars
A snake (active contour model) algorithm based tool to contour (identify the shape of an organ in) ultrasound medical images. Embarassingly, the dataset I was working with can't be shared with the public. It should still be useful for anyone wanting to write an automatic contouring program.
Canny edge detection and Active Contour Model to visually detect and evolve contours for precise shape recognition and analysis.
My program should take as input an edge map (a binary image with background set to zero and the edges to 1). It will be a uint8 array called binim in a .mat file whose name I should be able to specify. An example for such a file is also provided. Your program needs to let me create a closed contour by clicking on the edge map that will be the initial position of the snake.
For any given image we can detect edges using Canny edge detector, detect lines, circles, ellipsed located in the image (if any). also, we implemented the the Active Contour Model (snake) using the greedy algorithm.
TeleSculptor: Aerial Photogrammetry Application powered by KWIVER
A cloth simulation using OpenGL and C++
Interactive cloth simulator using the method described in the SIGGRAPH paper "Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems" by Liu, T., Bargteil, A. W., Obrien, J. F., & Kavan, L.
Eulerian-on-Lagrangian Cloth Simulation
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