
# Psalms-Scroll-Font-Hasmonean # Font Version 0.1 Alpha | The-Psalms-Scroll-4QPs # This font contain glyphs for realizing the ancient aphabet of Dead Sea Scrolls - Psalms Scrolls found in Cave 4 at Qumran. The-Psalms-Scroll-4Q83–4QPsA, The-Psalms-Scroll-4Q84–4QPsB, etc. # License: This font is based on https://github.com/BeitDina/The-Psalms-Scroll-4Q83-Font/ and based on https://github.com/BeitDina/The-Psalms-Scroll-4Q84-Font/ that are Sil Open Source Font License and this version is released under GNU General Public License v2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html | http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php The fonts are encoded acording to unicode font subset maps chart at http://www.unicode.org/charts/index.html 1. [To Install the Font on Computer] 2. [Install Font on Browser] [Install Font on Computer]( #install-font-on-computer ) ## Install Font on Computer For Mac: Open the TTF file using Font Book, and click “install” For Windows: Right-click on the TTF file and select install ## Getting Involved Send suggestions for changes to the *Psalms-Scroll-Font-Hasmonean* project by submitting a [ new issue ] ( https://github.com/BeitDina/Psalms-Scroll-Font-Hasmonean/issues/new ).

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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