
MB_TextField is a customizable textField for iOS swift applications. It supports differents types of fields like default, email, password, select and options like floating placeholder, mandatory etc.




Installation via Swift Package Manager

MB_TextField is available through Swift Package Manager.

To add MB_TextField as a dependency of your Swift package, simply add the following line to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/Bejil/MB_TextField", from: "1.0.0")


In order to use MB_TextField simply add import MB_TextField at the top of your swift file then use it like a normal UITextField:

let textField = MB_textField()
textField.placeholder = "Placeholder"
textField.autocapitalizationType = .words
textField.autocorrectionType = .no
textField.returnKeyType = .next

Events handlers

MB_TextField use closures to help you manage events

textField.returnHandler = { textField in
	//User has touched the keyboard return key
textField.clearHandler = { textField in
	//User has touched the clear button
textField.changeHandler = { textField in
	//User is writting
textField.endHandler = { textField in
	//User has finished writing (textfield lost focus)
textField.beginHandler = { textField in
	//User begin writing (textField just got focus)

Delayed changeHandler

In some cases we want to delay the changeHandler in order to prevent too frequent calls on API. For that you can change textField.changeDelay (default = 0.0)


MB_TextField support multiple types with differents options and text validation:

  • None
  • Email
  • Password
  • Select


Like native textField

textField.type = .none

With this type, textField use these default values

clearButtonMode = .whileEditing
autocapitalizationType = .sentences
autocorrectionType = .default
keyboardType = .default
returnKeyType = .done
rightViewMode = .always


For email address

textField.type = .email

This type validate the email using this regex : [A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4} at the end of editing.

With this type, textField override the .none type with these values

autocapitalizationType = .none
autocorrectionType = .no
keyboardType = .emailAddress


For password

textField.type = .password

This type validate the password at the end of editing using these criterias:

  • Password has between 8 and 40 chars
  • Password has at least one lowercased char
  • Password has at least one uppercased char
  • Password has at least one special char -_!/@#$%^&*(),.?\":{}
  • Password has at least one numeric char

With this type, textField override the .none type with this value

isSecureTextEntry = true


For using textField like a dropdown button

textField.type = .select

With this type, textField isn't editable and respond to touch using this closure

textField.selectHandler = { 
	//User just tap the textField


MB_TextField can be customized with these properties:

  • tintColor affect the toolbar's buttons and the borders
  • isValid affect the borders
  • isFloatingPlaceholderaffect the placeholder (native or floating)
  • isMandatoryadd a mandatory * to the placeholder
  • isLoading display a UIActivityIndicatorView
  • canPaste affect the paste possibility
  • backgroundColor affect the background
  • textColor affect the color of the text
  • tintColor affect the color of the cursor, the active border and the toolBar buttons
  • invalidColor affect the border color when field isValid = false
  • mandatoryColor affect the * color of the placeholder when field isMandatory = true
  • borderColor affect the default border color
  • placeholderColor affect the placeholder color
  • isLoading add a UIActivityIndicatorView
  • font the font of the main text
  • placeholderFont the font of the placeholder
  • mandatoryFont the font of the * in the placeholder
  • mandatory the text to add to the placeholder if isMandatory == true
  • toolbarFont the font of the toolbar's buttons


You can override MB_TextField and set all of your custom valeurs in the setUp() function

public class CustomTextField : MB_TextField {
	public override func setUp() {
		placeholderFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18)