
This is creating a TCP Server using Rust programming language

Primary LanguageRust


This is creating a TCP Server using Rust programming language

Rust TCP Server [YouTube Video Tutorial | Bek Brace]

A simple TCP server implemented in Rust for educational purposes. This project demonstrates the basics of networking in Rust and how to create a basic server that handles client connections.

Table of Contents


  • Accepts incoming TCP connections.
  • Handles client requests by sending a "Hello, Client!" response.
  • Multithreading to handle multiple client connections simultaneously.

Getting Started

To get a copy of this project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:



  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/BekBrace/rust-tcp-server.git

Navigate to the project directory: cd rust-tcp-server

Build the project: cargo build

Start the server: cargo run

The server will start listening on

Usage Connect to the server using a TCP client (e.g., Telnet or opening a web browser like demonstrated in the YT tutorial) to test the functionality.