- 1
Different colors for each colorcolumn
#26 opened by rbhanot4739 - 1
- 4
Adjust behavior based on modes
#24 opened by unphased - 2
Feature request: virtual text colorcolumn
#2 opened by mawkler - 6
- 5
- 18
How exactly blending works?
#15 opened by simonmandlik - 3
Errors on colors.lua:41: invalid key: create
#17 opened by mortymacs - 1
Setup error
#16 opened by simonmandlik - 9
Plugin doesn't work out of the box
#13 opened by simonmandlik - 2
Normal mode when used with scope buffer works but throws below error while opening a file!
#14 opened by HacksPloiter - 3
This plugin doesn't work sometimes
#9 opened by mitchellwrosen - 18
Always show colorcolumn if a line crosses it
#12 opened by Hubro - 4
- 3
Feature request: allow text on the column
#11 opened by pjcj - 1
Consider tagging stable releases
#8 opened by mitchellwrosen - 6
- 15
Plugin un-setting colorcolumn setting
#3 opened by Am3ra - 7
Horizontal cursor position clobbered
#4 opened by ribru17 - 0