
This is my capstone projectfor the bootcamp at neufische

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This I my capstone project for the Wedeveloper Bootcamp at neue fische. This is meant to train and deeply learn the topics of the bootcamp and maybe learn some new things by yourself, as you can pick your own topic.

I´m very much into 3D applications and was very excited to learn how to build my own 3D environment.

🚀 In this project, you can enter the 3D world of our own sunsytem. Also you can click on the buttons and search after your own space related topics or after the astronomic pictures of the day. 🚀

How to use

Enter your name and press enter.

Press "START"

Now you have to wait for the environment to load. When you see the planets moving, you can move yourself around. Press the left mousekey to spin around. Press the right moesekey to change your viewpoint position. Scroll to zoom in and out.

The spaceship is attached to your pointer position.

You can hit the buttons you see, then a console will open up. Here you can make different searches. It will deliver you anything you want to know about space.

Installing / Get started

  1. For this project, you need a NASA API key. You can get it here: NASA API

  2. Clone the project, install node.js

Use following comands in your terminal:

git clone git@github.com:BelaM80/neowise-project.git
cd neowise-project/
npm install
  1. Use following commands:

for development

npm run dev

for styling components:

go to your client folder

npm run storybook
  1. Create a .env in your root directory
NASA_API_KEY=<your key>

Build with

React, React-three-fibre, three, drei, express.js, node.js, styled-components, eslint, storybook