An HTML5 GUI for Pd


This repo interfaces Pd's backend with a webserver hosting a static website containing the HTML GUI (the "frontend"). A websocket server (the "shim") acts as an intermediary between the Pd backend and the web browser. The user loads the static frontend on port 8080; upon load the page connects to the shim via websocket on port 8081.

Under the hood, the shim starts the Pd backend passing it a GUI port, so that it doesn't start its own GUI:

pd -guiport 56026

A little example:


Shim - ./pd-gui-shim

The shim is a minimal application written in Typescript which uses pnpm for dependencies and the tsc Typescript compiler. It starts a WebSocket server and the Pd process and forwards messages to and from Pd and the web browser via the WebSocket.

Frontend ./pd-gui-frontend

The frontend is an HTML5 implementation of the Pd GUI. It is written in Typescript using the Svelte framework, it uses pnpm for dependencies, vite as a bundler and tsc as a typescript compiler. It parses messages from the Pd backend and renders Pd patches, objects, menus and forwards keyboard, mouse and touch events to the Pd backend.


We are using the refactored core/GUI protocol as per pure-data/pure-data#1765 and . If you are starting Pd manually, you should also use the same.

Things that currently work

A lot. Most of those that work on the Pd branch we are using. Additionally, there is touch support so you can (although in a cumbersome and limited way) edit patches from a touch screen. Hint: use the "Edit->Connect selection" menu entry to create connection between selected objects. ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3, ctrl-4, ctrl-5 to create new objects.

Things that currently don't work

Several. All bugs/regressions inherited from the Pd branch we are using.


  • on macos, you cannot use a keyboard shortcut to create a new window, but can do that from the File menu.
  • if you have more than one tab on one or more devices open with the page loaded, it will misfunction without warning you about it. Just make sure you use a single window at all times.
  • vslider/hslider are not handled properly.
  • audio and MIDI I/O is currently not possible when running Pd inside the Docker container. You can start Pd externally and connect to the shim instead if you want audio and MIDI I/O to work.
  • ctrl-shift shortcuts not implemented
  • on macos, always use ctrl instead of cmd
  • refreshing the page while one or more patches are open will hide them
  • loading patches from arbitrary locations

Quick start

In all the commands below, if you replace $NOPD with nopd, it will be assumed that you intend to start Pd manually with /path/to/pd -guiport 56026. This has to be done after starting the shim. Get the repo and submodules:

git clone --recursive

Start shim (and Pd)

Open a terminal and run:

cd pd-gui-shim
./ $NOPD

If you started Pd as part of this command, you will see the message priority 94 scheduling failed. Nothing to worry about. Leave this process running and go to the next section.

Start frontend

Open a new terminal and run:

cd pd-gui-frontend
./ $NOPD

Wait until you see the message Listening on

Then visit http://localhost:8080. Here you can create new patches and edit them.

Loading your own patches

Saving new files or loading patches from arbitrary locations through the frontend is not yet implemented. Instead, put your patches into the ./patches directory and reload the frontend in the browser. You will then be able to load them from the File menu. You can then save them with ctrl-s or the File menu.

Development workflow

Run the shim and Pd


cd pd-gui-shim
./ $NOPD

this will start a docker container and give you a shell within it.

Inside Docker

install dependencies
pnpm install

these are installed in the /workspace folder, which is the persistent storage corresponding to ./pd-gui-shim/workspace.

Build Pd

If starting Pd inside the container, you'll want to build it first:

This will start the shim. You can choose one of these options:

  • start the shim and start Pd inside the container. Quick and easy if you don't care about audio and MIDI I/O from Pd and are mainly working on the frontend. Changes to the pd/pure-data folder are currently not monitored. You should manually rebuild it upon change and restart pnpm.
pnpm start:watch
  • start the shim, wait for a Pd instance to connect. This way you can have audio I/O for Pd:
pnpm start:watch:nopd

Separately, you'll have to start an appropriate version of Pd with /path/to/pd -guiport 56026.

In both cases, if any files in workspace/src are modified, it will rebuild and restart the shim. If Pd is running externally, it may have to be manually restarted.

Run the Frontend


cd pd-gui-frontend
./ $NOPD

this will start another docker container and give you a shell within it.

Inside Docker

You should get a prompt:

Install dependencies
pnpm install

these are installed in the /workspace folder, which is the persistent storage corresponding to ./pd-gui-frontend/workspace.


This will build the frontend and start a file server. If any files in workspace/src are modified, it will rebuild them.

PORT=8080 pnpm start:watch

Wait until you see the message Local: http://localhost:8080/.

Then visit http://localhost:8080.