
Proof of concept of a digital bank onboarding experience

Primary LanguageDart

Flow Bank PoC

Running the project


This project requires Flutter to be installed on your machine. If you don't have it already, please follow this amazing official guide. Due to this project's multi-package nature, after installing Flutter and Dart, you will need to activate melos globally. See the sections below for more details.

Fast-track setup

For your convenience, a Makefile was created to automate the setup process. Simply choose a directory, clone the project, and run the following command from the workspace root:

make take-off

Don't forget to add the appropriate environment variables values to your local app/.env file. You can derive them from the PDF with the requirements or by asking the author directly.

Manual setup

Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to manually setup the project. It's not that bad!

  1. Create a .env file in the root of the app package and add the appropriate environment variables. You can find the keys in app/.env.sample. Their values can be derived from the PDF with the requirements or by asking the author directly.
  2. Install Flutter and Dart. See the official guide for more details.
  3. Install melos globally with flutter pub global activate melos. If you need more details, please check the official guide.
  4. Run melos bootstrap to install all dependencies and localizations.
  5. Go to app/ and run the project.
flutter run



“It is not enough for code to work.” As uncle Bob said, even bad code can function.

This project follows a multi-layered architecture inspired by Clean and MVVM, where the presentation layer is detached from the business logic. To enforce SOLID and DRY principles, it is divided into nine packages, each with its own responsibility. My motivation was to demonstrate how to build a scalable Flutter project which is easy to maintain and extend, even if the company grows rapidly.

Relevant package types

  • app => Contains the main.dart file and the app's entry point.
  • features => Each feature is a package that contains all the code related to a specific feature.
  • packages => Contains packages that are shared across multiple features. For example, a ds_components package that contains all the custom, design-system widgets used in the app.

Architecture overview

  • Presentation layer => Contains reactive widgets that draw visual components to the screen.
    • Pages and Components are implemented as Widgets and are responsible for rendering the UI with composition.
    • Controller classes are responsible for interpreting the state emitted by the State Manager and returning the Widget that correctly represents that state. They also connect user interactions to the State Manager or side effects such as navigation.
  • Business Logic layer => A middleware reacts to events and output states mapped according to some business logic.
    • State Managers via riverpod StateNotifiers. May contain business logic and communicates with the Data Access layer via a repository.
    • Use Cases are often used for executing specific (and reusable) business logic.
  • Data Access layer => Contains a set of abstractions responsible for accessing data, whether from a local or remote data source.
    • Repository is the single source of truth to access data from the Business Logic Layer. Data could be retrieved from either a local or remote source.
    • Services are responsible for wrapping functionality such as fetching data from a remote source.


  • Layered architecture; presentation detached from business logic
  • Multi-package workspace with melos (a.k.a. monorepo)
  • Use of StateNotifiers (with riverpod) for state management
  • Single source of truth for fetching data via the repository pattern
  • Encryption handling
  • Background tasks
  • Use of environment variables.
  • Dependency injection via the riverpod package
  • Navigation with go_router
  • Users get visual feedback for loading, error, and success states
  • App theming via DSTheme - supports light and dark modes
  • Design system with the internal ds_components package
  • Data sanitization and input validation
  • Form handling with dynamic fields and animations
  • Unit tested with mockito and code generation
  • Custom test helpers
  • Localizations (en, pt)


Permission denied error when running make setup or make setup-and-run

As the prompt suggests, you're lacking permissions to execute the setup script file. To fix that, run the command below from the root directory of the workspace.

chmod 755 bin/setup_project.sh