// 1. install dva-cli
npm install dva-cli -g
dva -v
// dva-cli version 0.10.1
// 2. create new app
dva new dva-quickstart
// 3. run app
cd dva-quickstart
npm start
// 4. build app
npm run build
// generate dist/
import dva from 'dva';
import { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from 'history'
const app = dva({
// 通过传递 options,更改地址为history模式,默认是hash模式
history: createHistory()
// 这里的返回值是处理后的model对象
// 主要是处理了 effects 和 reducers 信息
const model = app.model(require('./models/products').default);
// 入口文件 packages/dva/src/index.js
export default function(opts = {}) {
// 路由模式
const history = opts.history || createHashHistory();
// 默认参数
const createOpts = {
// redux中传递的初始reducer对象
initialReducer: {
// add router reducer into root reducer by passing history to connectRouter
router: connectRouter(history),
// redux中传递的中间件
setupMiddlewares(middlewares) {
// for dispatching history actions
return [routerMiddleware(history), ...middlewares];
setupApp(app) {
app._history = patchHistory(history);
// Create dva-core instance. dva-core中主要处理redux、redux-saga等状态管理器中的相关内容
const app = create(opts, createOpts);
// 保存定义的start: Start the app.
const oldAppStart = app.start;
app.router = router;
// 重新定义一个start
// !这样做的目的:因为start方法里面有用到this,不用call指定调用者为app的话,oldAppStart()会找错对象
app.start = start;
return app;
function router(router) {
`[app.router] router should be function, but got ${typeof router}`,
app._router = router;
function start(container) {
// 允许 container 是字符串,然后用 querySelector 找元素
// '#root'
if (isString(container)) {
container = document.querySelector(container);
invariant(container, `[app.start] container ${container} not found`);
// 并且是 HTMLElement
!container || isHTMLElement(container),
`[app.start] container should be HTMLElement`,
// 路由必须提前注册
invariant(app._router, `[app.start] router must be registered before app.start()`);
if (!app._store) {
const store = app._store;
// export _getProvider for HMR
// ref: https://github.com/dvajs/dva/issues/469
app._getProvider = getProvider.bind(null, store, app);
// If has container, render; else, return react component
if (container) {
// render react component
render(container, store, app, app._router);
app._plugin.apply('onHmr')(render.bind(null, container, store, app));
} else {
return getProvider(store, this, this._router);
// 入口文件 packages/dva-core/src/index.js
* Create dva-core instance.
* @param hooksAndOpts 注册dva时传递的参数
* @param createOpts 默认初始化的参数对象
export function create(hooksAndOpts = {}, createOpts = {}) {
const { initialReducer, setupApp = noop } = createOpts;
// 注册插件
const plugin = new Plugin();
const app = {
// 存储处理之后的每个model对象
_models: [prefixNamespace({ ...dvaModel })],
_store: null,
_plugin: plugin,
use: plugin.use.bind(plugin),
// model 函数
// 启动应用函数
return app;
* Register model before app is started.
* @param m {Object} model to register 注册的model文件
function model(m) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
checkModel(m, app._models);
// 处理 model对象每个 effects 和 reducer中的key键,加上spacename前缀
const prefixedModel = prefixNamespace({ ...m });
// 将 prefixedModel 对象存放在 _models数组中
return prefixedModel;
* Inject model after app is started.
* @param createReducer
* @param onError
* @param unlisteners
* @param m
function injectModel(createReducer, onError, unlisteners, m) {
m = model(m);
const store = app._store;
store.asyncReducers[m.namespace] = getReducer(m.reducers, m.state, plugin._handleActions);
// 处理异步函数 - 放在saga中
if (m.effects) {
store.runSaga(app._getSaga(m.effects, m, onError, plugin.get('onEffect'), hooksAndOpts));
// 监听函数 - 放在unlisteners数组中
if (m.subscriptions) {
unlisteners[m.namespace] = runSubscription(m.subscriptions, m, app, onError);
* Unregister model.
* @param createReducer
* @param reducers
* @param unlisteners
* @param namespace
* Unexpected key warn problem:
* https://github.com/reactjs/redux/issues/1636
function unmodel(createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, namespace) {
const store = app._store;
// Delete reducers
delete store.asyncReducers[namespace];
delete reducers[namespace];
store.dispatch({ type: '@@dva/UPDATE' });
// Cancel effects
store.dispatch({ type: `${namespace}/@@CANCEL_EFFECTS` });
// Unlisten subscrioptions
unlistenSubscription(unlisteners, namespace);
// Delete model from app._models
app._models = app._models.filter(model => model.namespace !== namespace);
* Replace a model if it exsits, if not, add it to app
* Attention:
* - Only available after dva.start gets called
* - Will not check origin m is strict equal to the new one
* Useful for HMR
* @param createReducer
* @param reducers
* @param unlisteners
* @param onError
* @param m
function replaceModel(createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, onError, m) {
const store = app._store;
const { namespace } = m;
const oldModelIdx = findIndex(app._models, model => model.namespace === namespace);
if (~oldModelIdx) {
// Cancel effects
store.dispatch({ type: `${namespace}/@@CANCEL_EFFECTS` });
// Delete reducers
delete store.asyncReducers[namespace];
delete reducers[namespace];
// Unlisten subscrioptions
unlistenSubscription(unlisteners, namespace);
// Delete model from app._models
app._models.splice(oldModelIdx, 1);
// add new version model to store
store.dispatch({ type: '@@dva/UPDATE' });
* Start the app.
* @returns void
function start() {
// Global error handler
const onError = (err, extension) => {
if (err) {
if (typeof err === 'string') err = new Error(err);
err.preventDefault = () => {
err._dontReject = true;
plugin.apply('onError', err => {
throw new Error(err.stack || err);
})(err, app._store.dispatch, extension);
// create saga middleware
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const promiseMiddleware = createPromiseMiddleware(app);
app._getSaga = getSaga.bind(null);
const sagas = [];
const reducers = { ...initialReducer };
// 循环遍历每个注册的model
for (const m of app._models) {
// m 表示当前的model对象值
// 将每个model下的reducer和state对象,整理成redux中reducer格式
reducers[m.namespace] = getReducer(m.reducers, m.state, plugin._handleActions);
if (m.effects) {
sagas.push(app._getSaga(m.effects, m, onError, plugin.get('onEffect'), hooksAndOpts));
const reducerEnhancer = plugin.get('onReducer');
const extraReducers = plugin.get('extraReducers');
Object.keys(extraReducers).every(key => !(key in reducers)),
`[app.start] extraReducers is conflict with other reducers, reducers list: ${Object.keys(
).join(', ')}`,
// Create store
app._store = createStore({
reducers: createReducer(),
initialState: hooksAndOpts.initialState || {},
const store = app._store;
// Extend store
store.runSaga = sagaMiddleware.run;
store.asyncReducers = {};
// Execute listeners when state is changed
const listeners = plugin.get('onStateChange');
for (const listener of listeners) {
store.subscribe(() => {
// Run sagas
// Setup app
// Run subscriptions
const unlisteners = {};
for (const model of this._models) {
// 当前model对象中的事件监听对象
if (model.subscriptions) {
// runSubscription 函数返回
// {
// funcs, Array 每个监听函数的返回值是函数的存放值的集合
// nonFuncs Array 每个监听函数的返回值不是函数,存放的函数键值key的集合
// }
unlisteners[model.namespace] = runSubscription(model.subscriptions, model, app, onError);
// Setup app.model and app.unmodel
app.model = injectModel.bind(app, createReducer, onError, unlisteners);
app.unmodel = unmodel.bind(app, createReducer, reducers, unlisteners);
app.replaceModel = replaceModel.bind(app, createReducer, reducers, unlisteners, onError);
* Create global reducer for redux.
* @returns {Object}
function createReducer() {
return reducerEnhancer(
...(app._store ? app._store.asyncReducers : {}),