
Simple Item Repairing Plugin [1.20+]

Primary LanguageJava

SimpleRepair - A simple and lightweight repair plugin with economy support

🔮 Features

  • Repair holding item with /repair or /fix (simplerepair.repair)
  • Check repairing cost with /repairc or /fixc (simplerepair.repair)
  • Reload configuration /simplerepair reload (simplerepair.reload)
  • All messages are fully customizable
  • Cost are calculated based on the amount of damage the tool was given.

📄 Example Config

# SimpleRepair Configuration File

# Base cost for repairing an item
base-cost: 10.0

# Additional cost per percentage of damage
cost-percentage: 10.0

# Messages
  prefix: "&#cac2ff&l🧰&r &7&l>>&r "
  no-console: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player."
  must-hold-item: "&cYou must hold an item in your hand to use this command."
  not-repairable: "&cThis item cannot be repaired."
  not-damaged: "&cThe item is not damaged and doesn't need repairing."
  not-enough-money: "&cYou don't have enough money to repair this item."
  item-repaired: "&aItem repaired for &e$%cost%&a."
  repair-cost: "&aRepair cost: &e$%cost%."
  simplerepair-info: "&fSimpleRepair by &#d1ffcfBelikhun"
    - "&e/repair - Repair the item in your hand"
    - "&e/repairc - Calculate the repair cost"
    - "&e/simplerepair reload - Reload the configuration"
  simplerepair-reload-success: "&aConfiguration reloaded!"
  no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."