
For a Java developer, develop solutions based on "Open M2M" server while enjoying all its features and services, is another concern in addition to business concerns. It is from this realization that the need for an API to communicate with the server "Open M2M" by object was born.

Primary LanguageJava

OM2M Java API 0.6.0

About OM2M

OM2M provides an open source service platform for M2M interoperability based on the ETSI-M2M standard. OM2M follows a RESTful approach with open interfaces to enable developing services and applications independently of the underlying network. It proposes a modular architecture running on top of an OSGi layer, making it highly extensible via plugins. It supports multiple protocol bindings such as HTTP and CoAP. Various interworking proxies are provided to enable seamless communication with vendor-specific technologies such as Zigbee and Phidgets devices. (from http://www.eclipse.org/om2m/)

See more about OM2M Project : http://www.eclipse.org/om2m/.

About OM2M Java API

For a Java developer, develop solutions based on "Open M2M" server while enjoying all its features and services, is another concern in addition to business concerns. It is from this realization that the need for an API to communicate with the server "Open M2M" by object was born.

Implemented (user)functions in this version

Manage Applications

  • Create an application.
  • Delete an application.
  • Retrieve an application.
  • Retrieve all applications.
  • Verify the existence of an application.

Manage containers

  • Create a container.
  • Delete a container.
  • Retrieve a container.
  • Retrieve all containers.
  • Verify the existence of a container.

Manage Content Instances

  • Create a Content Instance.
  • Retrieve all Content Instances.

How to use this API

Befor any manipulation with this API, verify if your OM2M plateform is running well (http://wiki.eclipse.org/OM2M/REST_API)


  • Local or distante OM2M plateform : host, port and Basic Authorization header. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/OM2M/REST_API
  • JAVA 1.7 or higher version
  • If you wante to build OM2M-java-client-api from sources, you need Apaceh Maven 3. Else download the API from here.
  • Include the API in your projet

#Quick Start

==Each piece of code of the examples that follow, can be inserted anywhere in your classes method. Do not forget the requirements :).==

##Manage applications

How to create an application

Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

SearchStrings searchStrings = new SearchStrings();

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Application> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.APP_MANAGER);
int httpCodeResp = om2mManager.create(myApp);

How to retreive an application

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Application> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.APP_MANAGER);

Application app = om2mManager.get("MyAppID");

How to retreive all applications

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Application> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.APP_MANAGER);
List<Application> apps = om2mManager.getAll(null);

System.out.println("List of application >");
for (Application application : apps) {
	System.out.println("app >>> " + application.getAppId());

How to delete an application

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Application> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.APP_MANAGER);

Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");
int httpCodeResp = om2mManager.delete(myApp);

How to verify if an application exist

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Application> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.APP_MANAGER);

Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");
boolean appExist = om2mManager.exist(myApp)

Manage containers

How to create a container

Container container = new Container("MyContainerId1");
// Specify the application in which is contained the "container".
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Container> containerManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTAINER_MANAGER);
int httpCodeResp = containerManager.create(container);

How to get a container

Container container = new Container("MyContainerId1");
// Specify the application in which is contained the "container".
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Container> containerManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTAINER_MANAGER);
Container containerResp = containerManager.get(container);

How to get all containers

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Container> containerManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTAINER_MANAGER);
List<Container> containers = containerManager.getAll(new Application("MyApp" + APP_ID_TEST));

System.out.println("List of contentInstance >");
for (Container container : containers) {
	System.out.println("container> " + container.getId());

How to delete a container

Container container = new Container("MyContainerId1");
// Specify the application in which is contained the "container".
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Container> om2mManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTAINER_MANAGER);
int httpCodeResp = om2mManager.delete(container);

How to verify if a container exist

Container container = new Container("MyContainerId1");
// Specify the application in which is contained the "container".
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
Om2mManager<Container> containerManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTAINER_MANAGER);
boolean exist = containerManager.exist(container);

Manage ContentIncances

How to create a contentInstence

// parent container of the future contentInstance
Container container = new Container("MyContainerId2");
// Parent application of the container
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
ContentInstanceManager contentInstanceManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTENT_INSTANCE_MANAGER);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	ContentInstance contentInstance = new ContentInstance("contentInstanceId" + i);
	Base64Binary base64Binary = new Base64Binary();

	base64Binary.setValue(("dataInstance_" + container.getId() + "_" + myApp.getAppId() + "-" + i).toString().getBytes());

	int httpCodeResp = contentInstanceManager.create(contentInstance);
	System.out.println("httpCodeResp : " + httpCodeResp);

How to get all contentInstances

// parent container of the future contentInstance
Container container = new Container("MyContainerId2");
// Parent application of the container
Application myApp = new Application("MyAppID");

Om2mManagersFactorty.configure("", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
ContentInstanceManager contentInstanceManager = Om2mManagersFactorty.getManager(Om2mManagersFactorty.CONTENT_INSTANCE_MANAGER);

List<ContentInstance> contentInstances = contentInstanceManager.getAll(container);

System.out.println("List of contentInstance >");
for (ContentInstance ci : contentInstances) {
	System.out.println("CI> " + ci.getValueAsString() + " // " + ci.toString());

By Belili Fahem - belili.fahem@gmail.com - last modification : Sunday, 18. October 2015 / @LinkedIn / @Twiter