
Practicing Big O

Evaluating Efficiency

  1. Read Big O Notation for Newbies with Ruby
  2. Work through this quiz on Big O. Try out the code snippets and read the answers.
  3. Do the assignment below and submit a PR with your answers.

Assignment - Determine the big O

Give the efficiency of each of the following code snippets.



Problems for you

This is a o(n) because the each value has to go through each element to find the largest value.

Snippet 1 - Big O: O(n)

def largest?(array, value)
  array.each do |item|
    return false if item > value
  return true
Big O: O(n)

this is also a O(n) because to get the customers name it has to go through each element. it's not O(n^2) because its not nested.

Snippet 2 - Big O: O(n)

def info_dump(customers)
  puts "Customer Names: "
  customers.each do |customer|
    puts "#{customer[:name]}"
  puts "Customer Locations: "
  customers.each do |customer|
    puts "#{customer[:country]}"
Big O: O(n)

this is a O(1) because no matter how large the array is its always going to check the first element only.

Snippet 3 - Big O: O(1)

def first_element_is_red?(array)
  array[0] == 'red' ? true : false
Big O: O(1)

#This is an O(n^2) because its an each method with in each method. The each method has to go through all elements in order to compare it to eachother.
Snippet 4 - Big O: O(n^2)

def duplicates?(array)
  array.each_with_index do |item1, index1|
    array.each_with_index do |item2, index2|
      next if index1 == index2
      return true if item1 == item2
Big O: O(n^2)

This is a O(n*m) because its two arrays with different elements.

Snippet 5 - Big O: O(n*m)

words = [chocolate, coconut, rainbow]
endings = [cookie, pie, waffle]

words.each do |word|
  endings.each do |ending|
    puts word + ending

This is a O(n) because the each method has to go through each element to print them.

that Snippet 6 - Big O: O(n)

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

def print_array(array)
    array.each {|num| puts num}
Big O: O(n)

this is a O(log n) because the while loop is cutting the elements.

Snippet 7 - Big O: O(n2)

# this is insertion sort
(2..num.length).each do |j|
    key = num[j]
    i = j - 1
    while i > 0 and num[i] > key
        num[i+1] = num[i]
        i = i - 1
    num[i+1] = key
Big O: O(n2)

This is O(n^2) because its nested loops.

Snippet 8 - Big O: O(n2)

# this is selection sort
n.times do |i|
  index_min = i
  (i + 1).upto(n) do |j|
    index_min = j if a[j] < a[index_min]
  a[i], a[index_min] = a[index_min], a[i] if index_min != i
Big O: O(n2)