

Project made with C# (.NET 6) using the ASP.NET Blazor Server framework. UI made with the Radzen Blazor components, Bootstrap and TailwindCSS. Originally oriented towards MySQL, but extendable to MSSQL, SQLite, MariaSQL and more. Made to run safely on both private networks and public server hosts.


Testing is restricted to authorized people, as external DLLs (which I provide privately) are required. Other than those files, the following are required:

  • Any of the most popular browsers (using older or more unhortodox browsers can result in the pages not rendering correctly)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (or 2019, as long as it complies with the following) with all the components needed to compile and run .NET 6, ASP.NET and Blazor Server
  • A MySQL instance running either locally or remotely

*Check the _DOCS folder for additional information.


  • Create DataGrids, pages and a way to edit Teams.
  • Plan the creation of the Projects, Tasks and Tickets environment.
  • Analysis of the services and their implementation.
  • Notifications & Reminders system
  • Messaging system
  • Adapt to run with either a MySQL, MSSQL or SQLite database.
  • Microservices (starting from data conversion)
  • (Future) Create an online-hosted database to be used by multiple users at a time.


No license is included as this is NOT an open-source project, and unauthorized distribution by third-parties is strictly prohibited.