
Automation project for datatables on warrobots.fandom.com. Integrates excel into wikitext and parseable HTML.

Primary LanguagePython


UPDATE: This project has been transferred to VBA code within the Excel datasheet. This repository remains for legacy reasons and will not be further updated, but the project will continue! Thank you for your interest.

Automation project for datatables on warrobots.fandom.com. Integrates Excel data into parseable wikitext and HTML.

Mainly uses excel read&write package openpyxl, and the handy built-in math package. The weapons simulator includes complex logic calculations, beware :)

NOTE: The excel datasheet provided is for display purposes only. Do not distribute, since some data and features are experimental and incomplete.


Complete Projects

(Note: stable but still requires regular tweaks for useabiliity)

  • MasterRobot
  • MasterEquipment
  • MasterPilot
  • MasterAbility
  • MasterTEquipment

Porting Projects

(These weapon simulators need to be ported to VBA for convenience. )

  • WeaponsData
  • AbilityData
  • TWeaponsData

Pending Projects

  • MasterTitan
  • MasterInfobox

(Work In Progress)

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