
Tools to use Basel Face Model in C++

Primary LanguageC++

A C++ Impl Tool for Basel Face Model

A simple tool to use Basel Face Model (BFM) in C++.

Depend on:

  • Basel Face Model (version>=2017, because we need expression information);
  • Eigen3
  • HDF5 (version=1.12);
  • Dlib (version=19.21);
  • OpenCV with opencv_contrib (version<=3.4.10, because OpenCV4 remove some basic data structure like CvMat)

Note: You could use your own dataset whose format is similar with Basel Face Model, and you should change corresponding parameters.

How to use:

See example/ex_gen_faces.cpp. You need know information about your dataset as follows:

n_vertice n_face n_id_pc n_expr_pc
fx fy cx cy
/h5_path/to/shape_mu /h5_path/to/shape_ev /h5_path/to/shape_pc
/h5_path/to/tex_mu /h5_path/to/tex_ev /h5_path/to/tex_pc
/h5_path/to/expr_mu /h5_path/to/expr_ev /h5_path/to/expr_pc
n_landmark /path/to/landmark.anl

If landmark is not needed, use 0 to replace n_landmark /path/to/landmark.anl .

If needed, landmark.anl format is as follow:
