
Playing around with DNS

Primary LanguagePython

DNS toy

Despite relying on DNS every day, I realized I have a poor understanding of how it works. This is my little research project to educate myself.

What will this do?

Construct DNS packets and send them over UDP. When the response comes, parse it and display the IP address. So a bit like dig, except ugly and with support only for nonrecursive queries.

I will hack things to work as I go along, using the top 1 million domains list as my testbed.

How's it progressing?

So far this project has been a success, as I discovered that my own registrar was using a rogue name server that was redirecting all accesses to my homepage through their website.

What I've learned

List of some things I wanted to know through writing this, and what I've found out.

Basic socketry

Q: Do you need one socket per query, or per name server? A: Per name server.

Q: Do you need to open a new socket to listen to UDP responses? A: No. You can recvfrom() the socket you used to send the packet.

Q: Is libevent usable by mere mortals? A: Yes. You create a libevent base, add sockets to it and then base.loop(libevent.EVLOOP_NONBLOCK) to get a jolt of callbacks if things have happened to them.

Socket limits

Q: How many files can you have open? A: 256 by default on Mac OS X. ulimit -n

Q: How do you get more? A: ulimit -n 12345

Q: How do you know from Python what the open file limit is? A: The resources module has getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE).

Q: How do I know how many files I have open now? A: lsof -p PID HERE

DNS corner cases

Q: Do any name servers actually send out responses with no ANSWER sections? A: Yes.

Q: How about responses where the cAsE of the answer is different from the question? A: Yes, that happens too.

What I want to learn next

Q: What happens if you query a name server too fast? A: At least one server ( gave a response with RCODE 2 when I increased the rate a lot. Google's seemed to stop responding at least, not sure if it first somehow complained, need to go back to look at the responses more carefully.**