
Our web project for the web technology course made during fall 2022 semester.

Primary LanguageCSS

Student Affairs Website Project

Website Description

This website is made for the staff of student affairs at Cairo University - Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence.

The project consists of 8 web pages in total.

Main Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • This is the main interface for all the course projects we choose from the student affairs system project to design and implement.
  • You can press on the student affairs system sentence to continue to the project.

Home Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • This is the main interface for the student affairs system project.

Add Student Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • An employee can add a new student to the database using a form including the:
    • name
    • ID
    • GPA
    • email
    • date of birth
    • gender
    • status (Active or Inactive)
    • current level
    • department
    • mobile number

Search/Update/Delete Student Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • An employee can show all active students and search for a specific student by his name.
  • An employee can select a specific student and either delete or edit this student's information or assign a department for him.

Edit Student Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • An employee enters this page after selecting a specific student from the Search/Update/Delete Student Page and choosing the edit/delete option.
  • An employee can either update the information of the selected student or delete the student from the database.

Select Department Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • An employee enters this page after selecting a specific student from the Search/Update/Delete Student Page and choosing the select department option.
  • An employee can assign a specific department for the selected student whose level is greater than or equal to 3.

Show All Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • An employee can show all Active or Inactive students.
  • An employee can filter students' information to a specific set of information.
  • An employee can change the status for a selected student to become either Active or Inactive.

About Page

  • A screenshot from the page:

  • All team members are shown on this page along with the supervisors professors.

Dark mode

Project Phases

First Phase

Project Requirements

- Build the main pages using HTML ( main skeleton )

Working steps

- Website planning 
- UI/UX design on adobe xd 

Second Phase

Project Requirements

- Style the pages with CSS 
- Write JavaScript to make user interaction  

Working steps

- Refine HTML 
- CSS 
- JavaScript 

Third and Final Phase

Project Requirements

- Build the Backend with the Django framework

Working steps

- Refine HTML, CSS, JS 
- Add Ajax 
- Work on the dark mode version 
- Design SQL Database for the project and integrate to project ( SQLite )
- Build a backend with Django 

Setting up the environment 🛠

1. Make sure python v3.7 or higher is installed

- To get the python version installed Execute the following:
$ python --version
Python 3.9.6

2. Make Sure Git is installed

- To get the git version installed Execute the following:
$ git --version
git version 2.28.0.windows.1

3. Execute the following commands in your terminal after changing your directory to the desired path

$ mkdir project && cd project
$ python -m venv venv

For Windows Users:

$ venv\Scripts\activate

For Linux Users:

$ source venv/bin/activate


$ git clone https://github.com/BemwaMalak/Student_Affairs_System.git && cd Student_Affairs_System
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

These are the credentials for Django admin super user:
username: admin
password: 123