
Geographically Weighted Spatial Accuracy for Remote Sensing

AccuracyWorkshop2016: Geographically Weighted Spatial Accuracy for Remote Sensing

These are materials developed for an R training courses based on this book: https://goo.gl/Lia9cI and this paper https://goo.gl/0Ykofs The materials were created using RMarkdown in RStudio as PDFs. Unfortunately, the RMD files that create lovely PDFs do not always create nice html files using the Github compilation. So for example, equations in the html files still have the latex code, maps are not produced, etc. For these reasons the original PDF files are included in a zip file

This will be delivered in Montpellier in July 2016 by Lex Comber and Paul Harris as one of the Spatial Accuracy 2016 Conference workshops. The workshop includes the following sessions:

  1. Introduction
  2. GW framework
  3. Mapping Spatial Accuracy
  4. Putting it all Together
  5. Additional materials - GW Kappa and additional considerations

An Overview documents describes some background and practical considerations.

At the momement these scripts generate spatially distributed measures of Overall, User and Producer accuracies in the manner of Comber et al 2012 and Comber 2013. Descriptions of how to generate geographically weighted estimate of the Kappa statistic $\hat{\kappa}$, also known as k-hat, are also included in the the Mapping Spatial Accuracy course.