
CLI for postcss

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Dependency Status NPM version


Traditional CLI for postcss


npm install postcss-cli

postcss-cli version postcss version
1.x 4.x
2.x 5.x


postcss [options] [-o output-file|-d output-directory|-r] [input-file]


Output file name. If no output file is specified, postcss will write to stdout, however plugins that rely on output file location will not work properly.

Similarly, if no input file is specified, postcss will read from stdin. Plugins that rely on input file location will not work properly.


Output files location. Either --output, --dir or --replace option, but not all of them, need to be specified. --dir or --replace needs to be used if multiple input file is provided.


Replace input file(s) with generated output. Either --output, --dir or --replace option, but not all of them, need to be specified. --replace or --dir needs to be used if multiple input file is provided.


Plugin to be used. Multiple plugins can be specified. At least one plugin needs to be specified either with --use option or in the config file.


Activate source map generation. By default inline maps are generated. To generate source maps in a separate .map file use --map file or --no-map.inline.

You can use advances source map options - some examples:

  • --no-map - do not generated source maps - even if previous maps exist
  • --map.annotation <path> - specify alternaive path to be used in source map annotation appended to CSS
  • --no-map.annotation - supress adding annotation to CSS
  • --no-map.sourcesContent - remove origin CSS from maps


Look up plugins starting from node_modules located in the current working directory. Without this option, postcss-cli will look for the plugins in the node_modules in which it is installed - specifically if it is installed globally it will only look for plugins that are globally installed.


Observe file system changes and recompile as source files change.

When inlining CSS imports, add an update handler to your JavaScript configuration file to ensure referenced modules are taken into account:

  "postcss-import": {
    onImport: function(sources) {
      global.watchCSS(sources, this.from);

For postcss-import, this handler is added automatically.


JSON file with plugin configuration. Plugin names should be the keys.

    "autoprefixer": {
        "browsers": "> 5%"
    "postcss-cachify": {
        "baseUrl": "/res"

JavaScript configuration can be used if functions are allowed as plugins parameters:

module.exports = {
  "postcss-url": {
    url: function(url) { return "http://example.com/" + url; }
  autoprefixer: {
    browsers: "> 5%"

Alternatively configuration options can be passed as --plugin.option parameters.

Note that command-line options can also be specified in the config file:

    "use": ["autoprefixer", "postcss-cachify"],
    "input": "screen.css",
    "output": "bundle.css",
    "local-plugins": true,
    "autoprefixer": {
        "browsers": "> 5%"
    "postcss-cachify": {
        "baseUrl": "/res"


Optional module to use as a custom PostCSS syntax.


Optional module to use as a custom PostCSS input parser.


Optional module to use as a custom PostCSS output stringifier.


Show help


Use autoprefixer as a postcss plugin pass parameters from a json file

postcss --use autoprefixer -c options.json -o screen.css screen.css

Use more than one plugin and pass config parameters

postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 5%" \
    --use postcss-cachify --postcss-cachify.baseUrl /res \
    -o screen.css screen.css

Use multiple plugins and multiple input files

postcss -u postcss-cachify -u autoprefixer -d build *.css
