
Fastest way to bring firestore data into Gatsby

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The fastest and easiest way to bring firestore data into Gatsby. Just include the collections you want to use, and optionally filter/order/limit your queries with an api that mirrors the firebase SDK.


npm i gatsby-source-firestore-easy


yarn add gatsby-source-firestore-easy

How to use

General Setup

Basic config

All this plugin needs is firebase admin credentials and a list of collections to source. As such, the simplest possible config would be something like:

// Include in gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-firestore-easy`,
    options: {
      adminCredential: {
        credential: process.env.FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL, //See details for this option
      collections: [

Config with more options

Alternatively, you can specifiy a range of additional options per collection, such as query parameters (where, orderby, and limit) or a 'type' for graphQL:

// Include in gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-firestore-easy`,
    options: {
      adminCredential: {
        credential: process.env.FIREBASE_CREDENTIAL, //See details for this option
      collections: [
          collection: 'differentCollectionPath',
          type: 'OptionalNameForGraphQLToUseInsteadOfTheCollectionName',
          collection: 'anotherCollectionPath',
          where: [
            ['yourFieldName', '>=', 'yourDesiredFilterValue' ],
            ['yourFieldName', '<', 'someOtherValue' ],
          orderBy: [
          limit: 10,



WARNING: you MUST NOT prefix your admin-related environment variables with 'GATSBY_', or they will be exposed on the client-side, thus exposing your Firebase admin credentials to the public.

This must be an object with both credential and databaseURL fields.


credential will be your serviceAccountKey.json as generated created from hitting 'generate new private key' under 'Project settings -> Service accounts' in your Firebase console.

You can either pass the credential json data by using require to import your serviceAccountKey.json (e.g.: credential: require(process.env.PATH_TO_YOUR_JSON)), or by passing the json data as a string (presumably from an environment variable for security purposes). The example config above simulates the string option.

Passing your json as string from an environment variable is particularly useful for deploying to serverless environments like Netlify, Vercel, etc.

If you do use require to import your json file, it is strongly suggested (for security purposes) to still use an environment variable for the file path.


This will be a string with your databaseURL from Firebase. Conveniently, Firebase shows you this string on the same Firebase console screen where you generated your service account key.


This is an array of either strings of collection/subcollection paths, or else objects for each collection that you want to source in your Gatsby project. The properties that can be used in these objects are defined below.

Collections Quick Reference

For convenience, here are all of the available options for the collections objects, as discussed in more detail below.

option name type required
collection string yes
type string no
where [string, string, any][] no
orderBy (string | [string, string])[] no
limit number no
skipTimestampConversion boolean no
Collections Detailed Reference

A string with the collection path following the requirements from the firebase SDK for firestore().collection(). Can be a top-level collection or a subcollection.

E.g.: collection: 'collectionName/docName/subcollectionName'


Name that will be used in GraphQL. If left out, this will default to the collection path string.

E.g.: type: 'TheNameYouWant'


Use to filter query mirroring firebase SDK. Must be a 2d array of three values, with each value corresponding to the required parameters of firebase's where method. See the firebase documentation for more details on what to pass into the where method.


where: [
  ['field', '>=', 'value'],
  ['field', '<', 'otherValue']

Use to order the query results returned from firestore using collection(YOUR_STR).orderBy(YOUR_ORDERBY_STR). Must be an array of either strings or arrays of two strings. A string by itself will be the field to order the result by, using firestore's default direction (ascending or descending). An array of strings should use the field name first, followed by the direction.


orderBy: [
  ['field', 'desc']

Note: This is mostly useful only if you're limiting results returned since you can also order your GraphQL queries.


Use to limit the number of results returned using collection(YOUR_STR).limit(YOUR_LIMIT_NUM). Must be a number.

E.g.: limit: 5


By default, gatsby-source-firestore-easy automatically converts all firestore timestamps to date objects so that they will yield a useable format in GraphQL. You very very probably want to use this default functionality. However, if you're very very sure that you do not want the timestamps to be automatically converted, you can disable that feature by setting this option to true. If you're wondering whether or not to sure this option, the answer is "no, do not use this option."


//Don't do this, but you technically can do this.
skipTimestampConversion: true


If you'd like to contribute (or otherwise fork and modify to your own needs), you'll need to get a local firestore emulator running on port 8080 to run tests. See firebase documentation for that process.