Fitter - React Client for a Twitter Filter API

Created by Kyle Maxwell, Ben Hernandez and David Sudia.

Uses and Users

Fitter is a client that accesses an eponymous API that filters Tweets. The API can be found here. Users login to Fitter and can select a number of filters to apply to incoming Tweets, and then view those tweets. Anyone who wants to customize a Twitter feed to analyze different data can use Fitter.

Technologies Involved

Fitter uses React.js for updating users' view of new tweets and associated data.


Users can choose to filter tweets by geolocation, semantic analysis, and/or keyword searches (of bodies and hash tags). They can save these filters, so when they login they can create a new filter or choose one they have made previously. Tweets are presented in a standard feed format, as well as in a bar graph if semantic analysis is chosen, a candle graph, and a map of origin locations.

Project Tracking

Pivotal Tracker


Initial view on login

initial view on login

View with filter active

view with filter active