compile the project using ant with the target "package" to generate an
executable jar file:
    ant package

attribute detection
the first attribute containing class/Class that is of type string or nominal is
used as class attribute. The first attribute containing document/Document that
is of type string is used as document attribute. If no attribute matching
class/Class or document/Document is found the run is aborted.

    -i    index files
              optional, multiple occurrences allowed.
              the parameter is split on ",", furthermore the wildcards "*" and
              "?" are allowed.
              if the parameter is omitted the current working directory is
              searched for ".arff" and ".arff.gz" files.
    -k    the k parameter
              optional, one occurrence max.
              if the parameter is omitted the value 5 is used.
    -m    the distance measure to be used (either L1 or L2)
              optional, one occurrence max.
              if the parameter is omitted the value L1 is used.
    -q    the query (for the bonus exercise)
              optional, multiple occurrences allowed.
              if the parameter is omitted a normal document query is started.
              if the parameter is given the retrieval with the query is started.
          if -q is not used all remaining arguments are treated as documents
          for retrieval.

for the bank corpus it is advised that the JVM memory limit is increased with
the "-Xmx" paramter (e.g. -Xmx2048M)


example call for document retrieval:

    java -jar retrieval.jar -i "arff/news_*grams*" -k 10 -m L2 soc.religion.christian/21697 soc.religion.christian/21784

example call for document retrieval with query:

    java -jar retrieval.jar -q -i "arff/news_*grams*" word1 word2