
Check your lastpass passwords against haveibeenpwned.com

Primary LanguagePython

Are any of your lastpass passwords leaked in password dumps?


Check if any of your lastpass passwords have been leaked using Troy Hunt's haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords


First install dependencies

$ pip3 install -r requrements.txt

To check a lastpass export csv file

$ python3 lpcheck.py --lastpass export.csv


Or check to check an individual password just enter your password in the secure prompt

$ python3 lpcheck.py --password


Get lastpass export file

You can get the csv file for the export by going to lastpass -> More Options -> Advanced -> Export


How it works

Uses Troy Hunt's incredibily useful website haveibeenpwned.com to check passwords against leaked password dumps.

You can also check indivudial passwords of your choice using this script - it gives you the same information as haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords but you probably shouldn't trust a website asking for passwords (even if it is Troy's site). Troy's API uses K-anonymity to protect your password - only the first five characters of the SHA1 hash of the passwords are sent to the server. Mike Pound has a great video describing how it works.