
Carousel & Score Keeper in vanilla JS (click on "Go to Score Keeper" to do so)

Primary LanguageCSS

Carousel JS & Score Keeper

This is a project initially done for YesWeWeb and is just an exercice.

Project Goals

The goals of this project are as follows :

  • Make an image carousel.
    • Image is ordered as a list ("li").
    • Image switches with each click on the button.
    • Only with Vanilla JavaScript.
    • Bonus : With real images (not a plain color block).
    • Display the number of items (3 dots => 3 items) with focus on current item
    • Dark mode
  • Make a score keeper
    • 2 distinct counters (Player 1 & 2)
    • 3 buttons (Player 1 | Player 2 | reset)
    • Each click increment the corresponding counter
    • If maximum score reached => Green score & lock
    • Maximum score set by input
    • Vanilla JavaScript
    • Bonus : Add style to the page
    • Dark Mode.

Phase 1 : Design


First we add the ul with all its content that includes the li with the img inside. The active class is added to the first li, it will be the first image to show on the website. Finally we add the next button to prepare the 'Next' feature.

In the CSS we declare a display: none to hide all the li with img inside and we delcare a rule for the .active class with a display: block.

First, we need to implement the 'Next picture' feature. To do that we need to first target all the li present in the ul so that we know all the available elements to switch to. Then we need to check if the element is either hidden or diplayed. Since we've already hidden every li in the ul, all we need to check is which element is displayed, remove it and display the element next to it (or the first one if there is no next element).

Score Keeper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, ratione consectetur magni ipsam repellendus repudiandae ipsa, dolor quae voluptates ducimus nam recusandae fugiat atque vero optio voluptatum ea numquam perferendis. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat, aspernatur cupiditate, alias eveniet maiores mollitia et blanditiis nam assumenda odio dolor minus inventore repellendus excepturi? Aperiam id et incidunt quo!

Phase 2 : Programming


Score Keeper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, ratione consectetur magni ipsam repellendus repudiandae ipsa, dolor quae voluptates ducimus nam recusandae fugiat atque vero optio voluptatum ea numquam perferendis. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat, aspernatur cupiditate, alias eveniet maiores mollitia et blanditiis nam assumenda odio dolor minus inventore repellendus excepturi? Aperiam id et incidunt quo!