Telnet Server Cities


  • Project from Benedikt Kurz at University West Attica for the module 'Network Programming' in the fall term 2021/22.
  • E-Mail:
  • Registration number: 21390260
  • Department: Informatics
  • School: University of West Attica (UniWA)
  • Software used: Apache NetBeans IDE 12.5, jdk8 and the Windows Telnet Client
  • The used code page is 850 - it's a code page where the most greek letters are removed

Running the application

  1. Navigate in your terminal to the directory of your project and there into the subfolder /res
  2. !Important! make sure that this directory contains res folder
  3. Run the command java -jar telnet-server-cities.jar
  4. Make sure that the telnet function is ready.
  5. Open another terminal window and run the command telnet localhost 6789
  6. Use the commands which are below
  7. To Stop the service use java -jar telnet-server-cities.jar stop

Some Screenshots

Directory where everything is stored:

Command to start the programm:
Start the program

Access the service:
Access the service

Use the service:
Use the service

Possible Commands


City Muenchen, City Stuttgart, City Hamburg, City Dortmund, City Berlin, City Frankfurt, City Koeln


Sights Berlin, Sights Stuttgart, Sights Frankfurt,


Business Hamburg,


Universities Dortmund, Universities Koeln,


Museums Stuttgart, Museums Berlin,


Hospitals Hannover


Airports Muenchen, Airports Stuttgart