
A Python32 implementation of the RP1210C standard. Currently in alpha, with a focus on expanding J1939 features and documentation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RP1210 for Python

pip install rp1210

A Python module for interacting with RP1210 adapter drivers, following the RP1210C standard. Contributions welcome!

Note from the author: I no longer work with RP1210 regularly (or at all) and have no need to work with and no access to RP1210 adapters. As such, I'm not actively updating this package anymore. Contributions and bug reports are still welcome.

This module is considered 'complete', mostly by dint of me not updating it anymore.

Some documentation and examples are available in this repo's wiki and the Examples folder.

This module was written and tested with Python 3.9 and 3.10, 32-bit. Older (and newer) Python versions have not been tested and may not be supported.
32-bit Python is required because RP1210 drivers are all 32-bit, and can thus only be loaded with 32-bit Python. A 64-bit implementation via MSL-LoadLib is possible and may be released as a separate module sometime in the future.

Not all aspects of the RP1210C standard are fully implemented as independent features. Currently, my focus is on J1939 communication. Other protocols have significantly less support, but you can still access all the low-level commands via the RP1210API class.

While I try to provide adequate documentation, the RP1210C standard is owned by TMC, not me, and is not reproduced here. For a complete understanding of the RP1210 standard, you must purchase and read the official RP1210C documentation from TMC.

Official RP1210C documentation can be purchased from TMC at this link ($37.50 at time of writing): https://www.atabusinesssolutions.com/Shopping/Product/viewproduct/2675472/TMC-Individual-RP

Getting Started

from RP1210 import RP1210Client, translateErrorCode

# init client
client = RP1210Client()

# select vendor and device
client.setVendor("NULN2R32") # Nexiq USB-Link 2 in this case
client.setDevice(1) # wired USB-Link 2

# connect to adapter w/ specified protocol
clientID = client.connect(b'J1939:Baud=Auto') # will return clientID or error code
error_msg = translateErrorCode(clientID)
if error_msg != "NO_ERRORS": # failed to connect
   print("Connection failed:", error_msg)

# read all messages (no filter)

# send a message
msg = b'message contents'
err_code = client.tx(msg)
print("Tx Result:", translateErrorCode(err_code))

# read messages
while True:
   msg = client.rx()
   if msg: # message was received