
Udacity FEND capstone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Udacity FEND capstone

A web app for travel planning where you can save trips, view destination images, and view weather forecasts or typical weather for dates in the future.

How to run

1. Add Weatherbit API Key

Sign up for Weatherbit API key. In .env replace 'YOUR_WEATHERBIT_API_KEY' w/ the your new api key.


Sign up for Pixabay API key. In .env replace 'YOUR_PIXABAY_API_KEY' w/ the your new api key.

3. Run

npm i
npm run build-prod
npm start

Open http://localhost:3000/ in browser to view.

Run tests

Tests are run using Jest

npm i -D
npm test

Run Dev w/ Automatic Refresh

Start prod (See 'How to run' above) and while that is running, in a separate terminal enter the following:

npm i -D
npm run build-dev

This should automatically open a tab in browser at http://localhost:9000/


Most notable dependencies are related to Google's MDC Library