📚 Storyteller-Turned-Scientist 🔬

Hello! I'm Ben, a storyteller-turned-scientist at the intersection of data, systems, and people.

My background is in telling stories:

  • 🛶 Helping my family run whitewater rafting tours
  • 📚 Finding books as a librarian
  • 🛌 Over the past six years, creating memorable guest experiences as a hotelier

Along every step of my journey, the stories I created and told entertained, educated, and inspired people.

Now, I turn my story-telling talents to a new career focused on telling the stories hidden in data.

What I Do

I have a passion for learning and leveraging data and systems for insights and decision-making.

  • Obtaining and cleaning data
  • Creating visualizations to see and share the stories
  • Developing and training machine learning models to understand the whys and hows behind the data
  • Suggesting improvements and changes to adapt to the stories hidden in the data

My Stats:

Ben's GitHub stats

  • 🔨 I’m currently working on:
    • Univariate time series modeling to forecast hotel occupancy
    • Building and launching my own Python package!
  • 🏫 I’m currently learning about:
    • Revisiting Python basics
    • Multivariate time series modeling
  • 🤔 I’m looking for new career opportunities!
  • 💬 Ask me about my experience transitioning my hotel's reservations and management systems from Starwood to Marriott.
  • 📫 How to reach me:
  • 😄 Pronouns: He/him/his
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I constantly have some musical soundtrack playing in my head 🎶