
Good ol' Tetris implemented in Python using PyGTK

Primary LanguagePython


A small weekend project to implement the game of Tetris in Python. Starting out as a fun coding exercise, it turned out to be very playable and fun.

The game uses PyGtk for the UI, and has no other dependencies. Code is not fully documented, but is pretty straight forward. There are no tests. This project is unlikely to get any more development.



This will start the application, open the game window, and start the game.


The falling piece can be moved left or right using the respective arrow keys, the up key will rotate the piece clockwise 90 degrees. The down key will jump the piece down. Finally the spacebar will pause the game.


Just like the Tetris you know and love. The game is over when the pile of pieces reaches the top. When a complete row is formed it will be removed and the score will be incremented. Unlike most Tetris games the speed will not increase with the score.

Started Game Mid Game End Game



This class is a minimal Gtk.Application subclass: naming the application, and adding a single GameWindow object to the application.


A Gtk.Window subclass, the window that appears on the screen. It creates a single Tetris widget, and handles feeding keypresses to that widget.


This class is the focalpoint of the project. This widget is a Gtk.DrawingArea subclass. It is the game, it complete handles drawing the game to itself and handles or deligates all game logic.


This class tracks the blocks at the bottom of the screen, it contains logic for tracking blocks, removing completed rows, and when the top it reached. It also handles drawing itself, via the Tetris.draw_block method.


A class representing the current falling piece. It tracks all blocks by being given relative coords to a central block. It supplies methods to control the block, collision logic, it also handles drawing itself, via the Tetris.draw_block method.