
Catalog of genomic indexes freely available from public clouds

Primary LanguagePython


Catalog of genomic indexes freely available from public clouds thanks to the AWS Public Dataset Program. Meant to be viewed as a GitHub Pages website.

We expect this resource will be useful to regular users of Bowtie (1 & 2), HISAT2, Kraken 2/Bracken and Centrifuge. The links will allow downloads from https:// URLs, so users can download from anywhere.

Users working in the cloud, e.g. on AWS EC2 instances, gain a particular advantage because they can potentially download the data directly (e.g. using the AWS CLI). That will be fast and free. Since we are part of the AWS Public Dataset Program, the data can be accessed from any AWS region free of charge. (Normally, inter-region transfers carry a fee.)

Other resources

Many thanks to Illunina for maintaining the excellent iGenomes resource.

For access to iGenomes-style indexes, sequences and annotations, check out AWS iGenomes.