
Prefix Free Parsing Algorthim for building BWTs for genomic data

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of the Prefix-Free BWT (pfbwt) algorithm desribed in Boucher, et. al. 2019, optimized specifically for fasta files containing genomic data (ie., text contains only the characters A, C, G, and T. Some Ns are allowed).

Borrows heavily from the original implementation by Giovanni Manzini

Some modifications / additions from the original code:

  • Compatibility with C++11

  • Parsing and BWT-construction steps are now callable from C++11 code.

  • Uses the Wang hash instead of a rolling Rabin-Karp hash to select phrases in the parsing step. (need to be careful when there are a lot of Ns in the input, use --non-acgt-to-a in this case

  • Modifies some data structures during parse step to present a simple user interface and introduce modest time/memory savings

  • Option to use mmap (memory mapping) on workspace data. Allows for BWT to be constructed even when the size of the workspace needed for this algorithm exceeds RAM capacity!

  • NEW - Option to merge separate prefix-free parses from their .dict and .parse files. Use merge_pfp to do this.

  • IMPORTANT A padding of w (window-size) As are added to the end of each sequence to help facilitate the merging process. An option to prevent this padding will be added soon~

Features that will be added soon.

  • Document Array and other SA-related data structures.
  • Thread support
  • Clearer separation of 32-bit and 64-bit modes


To download:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/alshai/pfbwt-f
cd pfbwt-f

To compile, use cmake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make pfbwt-f


./pfbwt-f -p <mod value> -w <window size> <x.fa>

The final BWT will be located in x.fa.bwt. This file will contain one extra character from the input (0x00) - this represents the end-of-string symbol of the text.

Please use pfbwt-f64 if your data exceeds 2^32 characters, otherwise results will be incorrect.

Some features

Output the full Suffix Array to <x.fa>.sa:

./pfbwt-f -s <x.fa>

The output is formatted as consecutive 32-bit integers, no delimiters (64-bit support coming soon!).

Output the run-length Suffix Array to <x.fa>.ssa (run-starts) and <x.fa>.esa (run-ends):

./pfbwt-f -r <x.fa>

The output is formatted as consecutive pairs of 32-bit integers (position in BWT, SA sample), no delimiters (64-bit support coming soon!).


pfbwt-f. use the prefix-free parsing algorithm to build a BWT for genomic data.

    ./pfbwt-f [options] <fasta file>

        BWT of input saved to <fasta file>.bwt. Header lines are excluded.

        -s              Build full suffix array and output to <fasta file>.sa

        -r              Build run-length sampled suffix arrray and output run-starts to <fasta file>.ssa and run-ends to <fasta file>.esa

        -w <int>        window-size for parsing [default: 10]

        -p <int>        modulo for parsing [default: 100]

        -m              build BWT on external memory

        --parse-only    only produce parse (dict, occ, ilist, last, bwlast files), do not build BWT

        -h              print this help message

Working directly with prefix-free parses

To create just the parse of a single fasta file, do:

./pfbwt-f --parse-only [<options>] <seq.fa>

to merge multiple parses:

merge_pfp [--output] <parse prefix 1> <parse prefix2> ...

Using vcf_to_bwt.py

vcf_to_bwt.py is an easy way to generate a BWT directly from a VCF file and its corresponding reference sequence

Requirements: GCC 7+, Python 3.X

First, compile and install the necessary executables from your build directory:

make install vcf_to_bwt.py

Then run vcf_to_bwt.py. Assuming it's in $PATH:

vcf_to_bwt.py -o <output prefix> -S <samples file> <reference fasta> <vcf file>
  • Intermediary files, parse-related files and the final BWT will be prepended with <output prefix>

  • To use memory mapping, use -M option.

  • To generate the SA, use the -s option

  • To also generate a marker array (details to come soon), use the -m option.

  • To save the fasta sequences of the haplotypes contained in the VCF file, use the --save_fasta option

  • For other options, run python vcf_to_bwt.py -h