
Tabooli is a header-only C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for declarative, lazy, expression abstractions.


Suppose you would like to compose some data into an expression.

auto bugs = Toon{};
auto daffy = Toon{};
auto sylvester = Toon{};

bool value = bugs && (daffy || !sylvester);

This value would then be fixed. If the values of the data were to change then the expression would need to be re-evaluated. Additionally, if we wanted to store the structure of the expression, perhaps to be interpreted in a different context, then we are stuck since all the structure is lost as soon as the expression is evaluated.

Tabooli is designed to solve these problems.

auto bugs = tabooli::boolean<Toon>();
auto daffy = tabooli::boolean<Toon>();
auto sylvester = tabooli::boolean<Toon>();

auto expression = bugs && (daffy || !sylvester);

// store the expression or pass it around
// or do stuff to change the data values

bool value = expression.evaluate();



Tabooli's boolean type allows users to wrap arbitrary data into an expression formed of logical operators.

struct Widget {};

auto w1 = tabooli::boolean<Widget>{};
auto w2 = tabooli::boolean<Widget>{};
auto w3 = tabooli::boolean<Widget>{};

auto expression = w1 || !(w2 && w3);

Expressions can also be created inline, from r-value data. We use the pipe operator to help us, because providing logical operators for arbitrary type would break C++,

using mybool = ;
auto expression = tabooli::boolean<Widget>{} | 
    Widget{} || !(
        tabooli::boolean<Widget>{} | Widget{} && Widget{}i

If Widget is implicitly convertible to bool, then we can evaluate using the no-args evaluate method.

bool value = expression.evaluate();

Otherwise we can pass a functor describing how to convert the type to bool.

bool value = expression.evaluate([](const Widget&){ return false; });


The boolean type is derived from the tabooli::detail::expression. This is a standard compliant container with methods to compose with other trees and also a method called visit which traverses the tree while calling in on the visitor object.

struct visitor
    void with_data(const Widget&) {...}
    void push_operator(operator_code) {...}
    void pop_operator(operator_code) {...}

Binary Tree

Under the hood, the expression type is represented as a binary expression tree by the tabooli::detail::binary_tree. Traversing this tree is O(n) complexity where n is the number of nodes in the tree. The binary tree type is a standard compliant container.


The easiest way to install the library is to simply add it as a CMake subdirectory of your project and link your targets to the library.

add_executable(my_app ...)
target_link_libraries(my_app PRIVATE tabooli)


To build the unit tests set TABOOLI_TESTS=ON. The tests require the Catch2 and Boost libraries to be installed.

The Name

Tabooli as in to-bool-i. It sounds cute and I like the dish :-)


Contribution and feedback is more than welcome!