
This workshop focuses on android and git.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Java Fundamentals in Android Bootcamp

Lessons Plans

Each session - day 1 morning/afternoon - has its own lesson plan and corresponding slides. Each of the lesson plans can be found in the links below:

The slides/ directory includes all of the slides that are needed to run the Android Workshop; these slides use a presentation framework called reveal.js. To use the slides, open the slides/index.html files in your browser. The slides are written in HTML.

Within the slides, and session lesson, are links to the repositories with source code for examples and exercises to be done in class. You can also find links to repositories below:

Tech Dependencies

Students should come to this class with Java, Android Studio/SDK, and a text editor installed (Sublime or Atom will do just fine).

Note: Do not use VIM to demonstrate code examples. Use a text editor to modify and edit files. For this workshop, we encourage instructors to use the command line to execute Java files.


Day 1, Morning

Time Topic Objectives
9:00a Kickoff Introductions and objectives-setting; Agenda outline; Software installation
9:20 Information sharing Explain the basic structure of an Android application; Explain how UI elements and Java logic communicate
10:30 OS and version control Navigate files and folders using the terminal; Track changes to code using local and remote version control
12:00p Lunch

Day 1, Afternoon

Time Topic Objectives
1:15 Data types Describe the use cases of different datatypes; Declare and manipulate data stored in a variable
2:30 Functions and methods Run tests with JUnit; Practice git branching; Create basic methods
4:00 Xml and Click listeners Turn the basic methods into interactive android forms
5:30 Conclude Identify and address misconceptions from information sharing and programming fundamentals