
📖 Front-end test Helpjuice

Task Description:

Create a realtime search box, where users search articles, and then to have analytics that display what users were searching for. You can also track via IP - no need to create a devise, etc.

Your goal is to record their input in realtime and ultimately display analytics & trends on what people are searching for the most. (this is not about search itself, but really about analytics behind it).

Hint: Because the search is real time, queries will be coming in segments, as listed in the example below


  • TEST. Your. App.
  • GOOD Code. We can’t stress this enough.
  • Documented code. We don’t expect you to write a novel, but at least remove the default Rails README
  • Scalability
  • Deploy on Heroku or w/e for easier testing. Remember, it’s all about making the user’s life easier (in this case, us -- reviewing your code)

Tech Stack

    Ruby on rails PostgreSQL data base JavaScript Tailwind css

Demo link

💻 Getting Started


In order to run this project you need:


  • Initialize Ruby on Rails app together with tailwind css
$ rails new back-end-test-helpjuice -c tailwind -j --database=postgresql  


  • To Create the database & Starting up the Web Server
$   rails db:create db:migrate
$   rails server

// or you can run additionaly this to precompile  tailwind asset and start the server

$ bin/dev


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to leave any suggestions at the Issues page

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