
Personal Assistant for Linux and macOS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A Personal Assistant for Linux and MacOS


Jarvis is a simple personal assistant for Linux and MacOS which works on the terminal. He can talk to you if you enable his voice. He can tell you the weather, he can find restaurants and other places near you. He can do some great stuff for you. Stay updated about new functionalities.

Getting Started

In order to start Jarvis just clone the repository and run ./setup.sh

Run Jarvis from anywhere by command jarvis

On Mac OS X run source setup.sh

You can start by typing help within the Jarvis command line to check what Jarvis can do for you.

Youtube Video

Click here


  • PR's are accepted!!
  • We follow PEP 8 guidelines. Before making a PR, make sure that your code is according to PEP8 standards.
  • If you have some ideas for new features and you don't have time to implement them please open an issue with the tag new_feature
  • Please don't forget to comment (document) your code

How to run tests:

Run test.sh


How to write new commands (plugins) to extend Jarvis functionality

Create new file custom/hello_world.py

from plugin import plugin

def helloworld(jarvis, s):
    """Prints \"hello world!\""""
    jarvis.say("Hello World!")

def repeat(jarvis, s):
    """Repeats what you type"""

Check it out!

Jarvis' sound is by default disabled.
In order to let Jarvis talk out loud type: enable sound
Type 'help' for a list of available actions.

~> Hi, what can I do for you?
Hello World!
~> What can i do for you?
repeat Jarvis is cool!
jarvis is cool

Click here to learn more about plugins.

Optional Dependencies

  • Any pyttsx3 text-to-speech engine (sapi5, nsss or espeak) for Jarvis to talk out loud (e.g. Ubuntu do sudo apt install espeak)
  • notify-send on Linux if you want to recive nice and deskotp-notification instead of ugly popup windows (e.g. Ubuntu do sudo apt install libnotify-bin)
  • ffmpeg if you want music to download songs as .mp3 instead .webm



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details