
A collection of graphic generators and simulations written in java

Primary LanguageJava

Read Me Ben's Portfolio

Portfolio java collection of graphical generators in an uniform swing GUI. The structure mostly follows the model-view-controller pattern. Package gui is the view, package data the model and package generator and program the model.

Following generators are implemented:

  • Wolfram cellular automaton
  • Conway's Game of Life
  • Nagel-Schreckenberg model
  • L-system
  • Random-Tree art

Getting Started

  • Run as imported zip.


  • JRE 1.8+

Built With

  • SDK 1.8
  • Netbeans 8.2
  • Eclipse Neon 3




Copyright BenPapple


My fellow students for the idea with the observable and run() implementation. And the automatic collection of all generator classes in an ArrayList for an elegant menu creation.