
Simple Network API in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Simple C++ Network API

Description :

Simple client-server network API.
Work only on Windows for now, but I will implement cross-platform socket in future.

If you have issues with compilation in Visual Studio, check the version of windows' SDK in project properties.

Client and server use non-blocking sockets to improve performances (reduce number of threads).
The reception of messages, as well as connections and disconnections, are processed by events:
you have to subscribe to the event with a callback function, in which you do what you want.

A message class is used to cut strings in fragments that will be sent independently, then reconstruct the initial message in the other side.
That was done for the use of UDP protocol, but actually only TCP is used.

There is a binary serializer you can use to convert any serializable data into a string to send it throught the network.

Explanation of client-server architecture

Example in video:

Use :

Simple server side application:

#include <Network.h>

using namespace net;

void OnMessageReceived(Socket* _client, std::string _msg)
	// Process _msg here 
	// ...

int main()
	ServerV2 server;
	server.launch("", 7777);
	while(server.isRunning()) // main loop
		// do other stuff here
		// stopping server:
		// server.shutdown();

		// send message to a specific client:
		// server.send(clientSocket, msg);
		// send message to all clients:
		// server.broadcast(msg);
	return 0;

Simple client side application:

#include <Network.h>

using namespace net;

void OnMessageReceived(Socket* _sock, std::string _msg)
	// _sock will always be the server socket 

	// Process _msg here 
	// ...

int main()
	ClientV2 client;

	// connect to the server
	client.connect("", 7777);

		// do other stuff here

		// stopping client:
		// client.disconnect();
		// send message to the server:
		// client.send(msg);
	return 0;