
All hard-coded orbits are based on NASA data on orbital velocity and radius at perihelion. The perihelion positions are not as positioned as they are in the real solar system. Relativistic effects are not accounted for as this simulation only follows Newton's Theory of Gravitation.

Primary LanguagePython

Newtonian Solar System Physics Simulator

  • Orbits start the simulation at perihelion with velocity and radius data taken from NASA.
  • The sun is not stationary, it can wobble due to the pull of the planets.
  • The time scale can be changed to your liking in constants.py (see TIMESTEP constant).
  • You can add objects as you like, just have a look at how the planets were added.
  • Newtonian Gravitation. This means Mercury's orbit is innaccurate due to the relativistic effects that the real planet feels not being part of the program.
  • Based on the Tech with Tim tutorial.