
I implemented a BandPass Filter of 2nd Order into simulink by using Analog components : Resistors and Capacitors.


I implemented a BandPass Filter of 2nd Order into simulink by using Analog components : Resistors , Capacitors and Op.

To achieve this goal, I started by implementing the LowPass and HighPass filters separately and ended up by adding an amplifier to amplify (increase) the amplitude of the signal.

Circuit of BandPass :


BandPass Filter Model into simulink :


So, by Cascading the HighPass and LowPass filters together I obtain a BandPass Filter.

The range of BandPass filter = [fc1 , fc2].

fc1 : Cutoff frequency of HighPass filter.
fc2 : Cutoff frequency of LowPass filter.

fc1 = 1/(2piR1C1)
fc2 = 1/(2

In this example I have chosen fc1 = 16Khz and fc2 = 24 Khz.

By fixing the values of the R1 and R2 you can find the values C1 and C2.

Amplification := 1+(R4/R3)

Bode Diagram :
