
Personal website to showcase my interests and professional information.

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Portfolio

This is the first web project that I worked on.
Late 2021, I found a YouTube tutorial for building web apps, and I decided to give it a go. I didn't end up learning much, as it was very do-this-now-do-this, but it gave me good exposure which helped when I decided to jump back into front end development in April 2022. As of May 2022, the project is 'finished', though as a portfolio, I hope to maintain it as I progress in my career.

The site is live at this link:


File Structure

img directory

This is where I store all of the images that appear in the site.
This contains the Logos subdirectory which stores logos for affiliated companies.

src directory

This is where I store all of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that make up the site.
There is a separate HTML file for each page.
Every page uses reset.css, navbar.css, and footer.css, as well as the css file of the same name (i.e. home.html also uses home.css).
I only have one JavaScript file: hamburger.js. The site is responsive, so narrower screens will see a hamburger menu instead of the four page tabs in the navbar. This file sets an onClick event listener on the hamburger to toggle the display.