
  • Turtlebot SLAM, RRT path planning and target detection using SIFT


  1. Clone rrt_exploration package in you catkin_ws
  2. Install ROS package navigation stack, for kinetic run sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation
  3. Ensure that you have ROS package gmapping, for kinetic run sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation
  4. clone rrt_exploration_tutorials for simulation
  5. clone ROS package rrr_exploration for Physical Turtlbot
  6. clone ROS package urg_node
  7. clone robot_explorer from source
  8. Install openCV
  9. Make workspace with command catkin_make in your ~/[catkin_ws]
  10. Source workspace by running source devel/setup.bash in you catkin_ws

For more information visit: RRT wiki, Hokuyo Driver wiki

Working with hardware

Laser Scanner

  • check for usb connectivity by running:ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
  • to publish to the scan topic using live hokuyo sensor data run: rosrun urg_node urg_node


  • Controller config can be evaluated by running: jstest /dev/input/js0
  • Create my_ps3_teleop.launch to reflect controller config
  • To test using controller teleop run: roslaunch turtlebot_teleop my_ps3_teleop.launch



Wall Follower

Simulates and stages bot in RVIZ and Gazebo, contains wall follower node which subscribes to rrt_exploration topic /robot_1/base_scan This also publishes to topic /robot_1/mobile_base/commands/velocity which drives the bot

  • run: roslaunch robot_explorer wall_follow.launch


RRT Path Planning

RRT Path planning using goals provided by service provider The service provider posts 10 goals each further from the origin than the last. This script can be easily modified to post targets around the map for exploration and target discovery.

  • To run: roslaunch rrt_exploration_tutorials single_simulated_house.launch
  • To run service service provider run: python


  • Green line is the robots current trajectory

SIFT Feature Detector

  • Scale invariant feature detection which takes an image of an object and a target image as input, and outputs a graphical image of the objects location as output, if the object is found.
  • To test SIFT with test image run: python which tests on image: test_pic.jpg


Future Work

Running on Physical Turtlebot

To run with turtlebot you need to connect PC to Turtlebot and Hokuyo Laser Scanner, refer to Working with hardware for details.

  • run: roslaunch robot_explorer setup.launch
  • run: python
  • This launches gmapping, turtlebot navigatin stack, RRT path planning, and Hokuyo driver related nodes.
  • This can drive robot and perform mapping and localization, but had some trouble path planning.
    • ROS subscription issues for path planner, I suspect this is some sort of namespace issues, preventing communication, despite publishing to correct topics.
  • Still need simple SIFT node to publish camera data to the network for target detection and localization.
    • Use images captured from RealSense camera