As set of LESS mixins for angular's animation support built on Bootstrap's css animation mixins.
I am no longer working on projects which are using Angular for the UI. If you are interested in contributing fixes or making updates to the project feel free to open an issue and we can get in touch.
To have a set of LESS Mixins to make it easier to create the classes necessary to leverage angular's animation support.
The easiest way to use Bootstrap Big Grid is with Bower
bower install --save angular-animate-less-mixins
Alternatively download a release and import mixins.
@import "bower_components/bootstrap/less/mixins";
@import 'bower_components/angular-animate-less-mixins/dist/less/angular-animate-less-mixins';
.testing-opacity {
.testing {
.transition(all linear 1s);
.testing-if {
.testing {
.ng-animate-if-opacity(0, 1);
.testing-class {
.testing {
.ng-animate-class-opacity(0, 1);
.testing-show {
.testing {
.ng-animate-hide-opacity(0, 1);
<div class="testing-opacity">
<div class="testing-if">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="testing.opacity.if"/>
<div class="testing" ng-if="testing.opacity.if">Testing if</div>
<div class="testing-class">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="testing.opacity.class"/>
<div class="testing" ng-class="{ 'new-class' : testing.opacity.class }">Testing class</div>
<div class="testing-show">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model=""/>
<div class="testing" ng-show="">Testing show</div>
<div class="testing-hide">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="testing.opacity.hide"/>
<div class="testing" ng-hide="testing.opacity.hide">Testing hide</div>
'use strict';
angular.module('angularAnimateLessMixins', ['ngAnimate'])
.controller('AngularAnimateLessMixinsCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.testing = {
opacity: {
if: false,
class: false,
show: false,
hide: false
Unfortunately I no longer work on UI projects and as such I don't have the time required to keep this project always up to date with the latest version of angular. If you'd like, feel free to fork the repo and start making improvments.
Thanks for your understanding.