CronaSwap Smart Contracts
This repo contains all of the smart contracts used to run CronaSwap.
Deployed Contracts - Mainnet
CronaToken: 0xadbd1231fb360047525BEdF962581F3eee7b49fe
MasterChef: 0x77ea4a4cF9F77A034E4291E8f457Af7772c2B254
Router address: 0xcd7d16fB918511BF7269eC4f48d61D79Fb26f918
Factory address: 0x73A48f8f521EB31c55c0e1274dB0898dE599Cb11
Deployed Contracts - Testnet3
CronaToken: 0xf7266fBB31D353099837D6bEfa5E7F197a7cfcA0
MasterChef: 0xd34dd7E16af11216F3478230e922A9E5289F1AE4
Router address: 0x4a719c7fA89B5f44b850346F4CC012c27dE4730a
Factory address: 0xa3899228D88Cd1D706BD7aA7cF105041DF6511f8
These contracts are compiled and deployed using Hardhat. They can also be run using the Remix IDE.
Accessing the ABI (Temporarily not uploaded to NPM)
If you need to use any of the contract ABIs, you can install this repo as an npm package with npm install --dev @cronaswap/cronaswap-contracts
. Then import the ABI like so: import { abi as ICronaSwapPairABI } from '@cronaswap/cronaswap-contracts/artifacts/contracts/interfaces/ICronaSwapPair.sol/ICronaSwapPair.json'
These contracts were adapted from these Uniswap repos: uniswap-v2-core, uniswap-v2-periphery, and uniswap-lib.