
  1. Clone and install dependencies




npm i
  1. You can now do stuff!
yarn hardhat test


If you run yarn hardhat --help you'll get an output of all the tasks you can run.

Deploying Contracts

yarn hardhat deploy

This will deploy your contracts to a local network.

Run a Local Network

One of the best ways to test and interact with smart contracts is with a local network. To run a local network with all your contracts in it, run the following:

yarn hardhat node

You'll get a local blockchain, private keys, contracts deployed (from the deploy folder scripts), and an endpoint to potentially add to an EVM wallet.

To deploy contracts:

yarn hardhat deploy --network goerli

To run staging testnet tests

yarn hardhat test --network goerli


Tests are located in the test directory, and are split between unit tests and staging/testnet tests. Unit tests should only be run on local environments, and staging tests should only run on live environments.

To run unit tests:

yarn hardhat test


yarn hardhat test --network goerli

Performance optimizations

Since all tests are written in a way to be independent from each other, you can save time by running them in parallel.

To run tests in parallel:

yarn test --parallel


yarn hardhat test --parallel


yarn hardhat test

You can make Hardhat run faster by preventing ts-node from recompiling and type-checking your project on every run by setting the TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY env variable to 1:


Verify on Etherscan

You'll need an ETHERSCAN_API_KEY environment variable. You can get one from the Etherscan API site.. If you have it set, your deploy script will try to verify them by default, but if you want to verify any manually, you can run: . If you have it set, your deploy script will try to verify them by default, but if you want to verify any manually, you can run:



yarn hardhat verify --network goerli 0x9279791897f112a41FfDa267ff7DbBC46b96c296 "0x9326BFA02ADD2366b30bacB125260Af641031331"

View Contracts Size

yarn run hardhat size-contracts


This will lint your smart contracts.

yarn lint:fix

Code Formating

This will format both your typescript and solidity to look nicer.

yarn format

Estimaging Gas

To estimate gas, just set a REPORT_GAS environment variable to true, and then run:

yarn hardhat test

If you'd like to see the gas prices in USD or other currency, add a COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY from Coinmarketcap.

Code coverage

To see a measure in percent of the degree to which the smart contract source code is executed when a particular test suite is run, type

yarn coverage