
Zicronix is a 32-bit Operating System written in FASM

Primary LanguageAssembly


Zicronix is a 32-bit Operating System written in FASM


+ Text Editor
+ Support for user programs
+ Full FAT16 Write/Read Support with directories
+ C Library
+ OOP Assembler Library
+ Advanced Shell
+ Supports SSE, FPU and VMX
+ Own RamFS
+ PC Speaker
+ Serial I/O + ATA Driver (IDE) + Basic ACPI Support
+ VGA Console + Debugging Support (ALT Key)

Upcoming Features

+ Pre-emptive Multitasking (Have a look at kernel/threads, some work has been already done)
+ Proper File I/O (Have a look at kernel/file)
+ Real Mode Emulator
+ Virtual Memory
+ AMD-V Extensions
+ Need to move from FAT16 to ext2.
+ RamFS should be more reliabe and extensible.
+ Improve VFS (Please see kernel/vfs)
+ Use interrupts instead of polling for ATA Drivers (better speed + no wasting CPU time)
+ Optimize, Optimize, Optimize :-)
+ Feature a more extensible userspace (ZVM - Zicronix Virtual Machine and ZASM - Zicronix Assembler, please see userspace/zvm and userspace/zasm)

Can I contribute?

I am writing this OS for my learning, I won't usually accept any contributions from anyone except some minor bugfixes, if you are doing a bigger change in the kernel (adding new stuff) please do contact me before pushing.


All the possible documentation is the the doc/ directory. It's not complete though.

Some Crap(Screen)shots.

![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/qQQ8Hk2.png) ![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/riTN9KJ.jpg) ![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/xnfscbS.png) ![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/9Lh9Xq5.png) If I've missed anything, or have not given proper credit, please contact me at excectra@no-spam-gmail.com. I apologize for any inconvenience. Remove 'no-spam-' to get the actual email address.