
Athena bot - A Small Utilitarian IRC bot for esolangs and much more!

Primary LanguagePython


Athena is a small IRC bot generally designed to be utilitarian features. It's main purpose is to interpret various esoteric languages (current implementation includes brainf**k, deadfish, unefunge, and underload). However it supports additional features such as expression evaluator; character counter; time display; decimal, binary, hexadecimal interconverter, a language translator and an XKCD browser, and brainfuck text generator!

It only requires the 'pytz' library, which can be fetched (on Ubuntu/Debian) using:

apt-get install python-tz

Simply run the script using:

./execute.sh "your IRC user name" "initial channel to join" "bot nick"

Messaging 'ath.help' will list all the possible commands that can be passed to Athena.

Athena is licensed as PUBLIC DOMAIN. This means you can wish to do whatever you want with the source, but at your own risk! (The author is not responsible for any damages caused.)