
adb for Windows

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Porting Android Debug Bridge (HOST) to Microsoft Visual C++.


  • Visual Studio 2022


  1. Getting source code from the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/BeneficialCode/adb
  1. install some dependencies
vcpkg install abseil:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install boringssl-x86-windows-static // WSAStartup
vcpkg install protobuf:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install brotli:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install libusb:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install lz4:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install mdnsresponder:x86-windows-static // WSAStartup
vcpkg install zstd:x86-windows-static
  1. Build AdbWinApi, AdbWinUsbApi and Adb

Enjoy it :)